2018년 10월 28일 일요일

[CUFS_English Presentations for Global Communication] 1st Discussion

Note: As I have neither any business backgrounds nor experiences of working at a company, I’ve slightly changed the given question in order for me to answer with better ideas and details. I would be happy to post new answers if this can’t be accepted. Thank you.

Topic(Setting): Preparing a Presentation as a Teacher for an English Class about
“A Smartwatch that is Trending Among Kids /Teens”

As a teacher currently working at a small private institute, known as “Hagwon” in Korea, it is an everyday job for me to give an informative presentation in class to teach students English. As to whether or not I enjoy giving presentations, I would say it varies depending on how much focused my students are that day, because even if I try to keep my speech clear and concise, and that I am pretty confident about my performance, kids─especially of elementary school─usually have short attention span. Their willingness to listen to lectures is usually affected by their mood or condition of the day.

It sounds like a decent opportunity if I could have a class that guarantees the time to prepare for a special class dealing with a specific topic to grab students’ attention. Unlike the usual classes I’ve done so far that only need a white board and some markers, this theme-based class would need me to check if my classroom is equipped with things necessary for having a class presentation such as a projector, a laptop and the likes. Then I will no doubt choose “Google Slides” for that I can save my work online real time, as well as its being able to export the work into any formats the platform offers.

The most important part of this preparation is outlining the content of presentation. For the introduction, I will bring a real smartwatch to the class and let students take turns wearing and testing it. While giving them time to freely discuss the pros and cons of a smartwatch after trial, the presentation screen has already been on with an introductory question of ‘Do you want to get a smartwatch? Why or why not?’

After that, the body of the presentation shows the recent trend of more and more kids wanting smartwatches. The library database is a best bet to find credible information, especially when I want to reference the figures or research done by respected authors or institutions. Also, smartwatch-related news articles can be cited, however they should be summarized in my own words. And I will probably link some YouTube clips of various kids’ reactions to smartwatches to my presentation. Although it might be too subjective for just a handful of YouTubers’ opinions to be referenced, I think the more kids could engage in the presentation, the better it would be to not be too strict about the data.

Instead of giving a conclusion in the closing part, I might give the students a chance to work on writing an essay, posing a question ‘Do kids really need a smartwatch?’

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